Latest Reports

October 2024
Changes In Foreign Policy Perception Over Time In South Africa
Over time the Foundation has tested public opinion on South Africa's foreign policy alignment. It has done so variously by asking respondents whether South Africa should align its foreign policy with Western liberal democracies against countries countries such as Russia, China and Iran. Or whether it should align with the latter against the United States and the European Union. These questions have been phrased differently over time, ranging from presenting respondents with contrasting statements to either agree or disagree with or simply asking direct questions about which power bloc to align with or against. In this report the data from all those responses has been collated into a simple binary analysis - on the one side of the divide what share of South Africans support alignment with countries such as Russia, China and Iran and on the other what share support alignment with countries such as the United States and those in the European Union. This allows the report to track foreign policy opinion over time.
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October 2024
Perceptions of Whether Russia and China Provide More Investment in South Africa Than The West
This report examines the perceptions of whether Russia and China provide more investment in South Africa than the West does. The data in the report comes from two Foundation surveys. The first is a survey of 1 204 demographically and geographically representative registered voters conducted by the Foundation during September of 2024. That survey had a margin of error of 3%. The second is a survey of 1 412 geographically and demographically representative registered voters commissioned by the Foundation in October 2023. That survey had a national margin of error of 5%.
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October 2024
Perceptions of Whether The Israeli Government Practices Apartheid
This report investigates the perceptions of registered South African voters on whether the government of Israel practices apartheid. The data in the report comes from two Foundation surveys. The first is a survey of 1 204 demographically and geographically representative registered voters conducted by the Foundation during September of 2024. That survey had a margin of error of 3%. The second is a survey of 1 412 geographically and demographically representative registered voters commissioned by the Foundation in October 2023. That survey had a national margin of error of 5%.
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October 2024
Preferences of South African Voters on Political Party Stances on The Israel-Hamas Conflict
This report investigates the preferences of registered South African voters towards South African political parties' stances on the Israel-Hamas conflict. It does so via three questions asking if a party were to take a more pro-Israeli, pro-Hamas or neutral stance would that make voters more or less likely to vote for that particular party. The data in the report comes from a survey of 1 204 demographically and geographically representative registered voters conducted by the Foundation during September of 2024. That survey had a margin of error of 3%.
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October 2024
Foreign Policy Preferences of South African Voters
This report investigates the foreign policy preferences of registered South African voters towards whether the South African government should align its foreign policy with Russia and China or with the West. The data in the report comes from three Foundation surveys. The first is from a survey of 1 204 demographically and geographically representative registered voters conducted by the Foundation during September of 2024. That survey had a margin of error of 3%. The second is from a survey of 1 835 demographically and geographically representative registered voters conducted in April 2024. That survey had a margin of error of 4%. The third is from a survey of 1 412 geographically and demographically representative registered voters commissioned by the Foundation in October 2023. That survey had a national margin of error of 5%.
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October 2024
GNU Policy Preferences - Energy
This report investigates post-GNU policy preferences towards energy. The data in the report comes from a survey of 1 204 demographically and geographically representative registered voters conducted by the Foundation during September of 2024. That survey had a margin of error of 3%.
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