
November 2023
Favourability Scores of Prominent Political Figures in South Africa
This report tracks how registered voters perceive prominent political figures in South Africa.
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November 2023
Perceptions of Registered South African Voters on Whether The Government Should Nationalise The Private Healthcare Industry
This report examines the opinion of registered voters on whether the government should nationalise the private healthcare industry. It is based on a survey of 1 412 geographically and demographically representative registered voters commissioned by the Foundation in October 2023. That survey had a national margin of error of 5%. Totals may not add up to 100% where rounding has occurred or where participants refused to answer a question.
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November 2023
South African Voters' Perception of Whether The Government of Israel Practices Apartheid Policies
This report investigates the perceptions of registered South African voters on whether the government of Israel practices apartheid policies against the Palestinian people. The data is based on a survey of 1 412 geographically and demographically representative registered voters commissioned by the Foundation in October of 2023. That survey had a national margin of error of 5%. Totals may not add up to 100% where rounding has occurred or where participants refused to answer a question.
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November 2023
Perceptions of Kwazulu-Natal Registered Voters on Which Political Party Has The Best Relationship With The Zulu Royal Household.
This report investigates the perceptions of registered KwaZulu-Natal voters on which political party has the best relationship with the Zulu royal household. The data in the report comes from a September 2023 Foundation survey. The survey was conducted telephonically amongst a sample of 2 434 geographically and demographically representative registered voters in KwaZulu-Natal. The survey has a provincial margin of error of 3%. Totals may not add up to 100% where respondents refused to answer a question or where rounding has occurred.
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October 2023
Kwazulu-Natal Voters’ Perceptions of Whether The Ingonyama Trust Runs Makes Sense.
This report investigates the perceptions of registered voters in KwaZulu-Natal as to whether they believe that the way the Ingonyama Trust runs makes sense. The data in the report comes from a September 2023 Foundation survey. The survey was conducted telephonically amongst a sample of 2 434 geographically and demographically representative registered voters in KwaZulu-Natal. The survey has a provincial margin of error of 3%. Totals may not add up to 100% where respondents refused to answer a question or where rounding has occurred.
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October 2023
Perceptions of Kwazulu-Natal Registered Voters Towards The Ingonyama Trust.
This report examines the perceptions of registered voters in KwaZulu-Natal towards the Ingonyama Trust. The data in the report comes from a September 2023 Foundation survey. The survey was conducted telephonically amongst a sample of 2 434 geographically and demographically representative registered voters in KwaZulu-Natal. The survey has a provincial margin of error of 3%. Totals may not add up to 100% where respondents refused to answer a question or where rounding has occurred.
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October 2023
Perceptions of Registered Voters in Kwazulu-Natal on Whether Former President Jacob Zuma Has Been Treated Fairly or Unfairly by The ANC.
This report investigates the perceptions of registered KwaZulu-Natal voters on whether former president Jacob Zuma has been treated fairly or unfairly by the ANC. The data in the report comes from a September 2023 Foundation survey. The survey was conducted telephonically amongst a sample of 2 434 geographically and demographically representative registered voters in KwaZulu-Natal. The survey has a provincial margin of error of 3%. Totals may not add up to 100% where rounding has occurred or where respondents refused to answer a question.
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October 2023
South Africa’s Political State of Play in October 2023
This report investigates the political balance of power in South Africa in October 2023. It is based on a survey of 1412 geographically and demographically representative registered voters commissioned by the Foundation. That survey had a national margin of error of 5%.
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