September 2024

South African Public Opinion on Taxes and Federalism

This report investigates the policy preferences of registered South African voters on taxes and federalism. It does so via two questions on whether the government should increase or decrease taxes and whether the government should strengthen the role of the provinces and municipalities in the provision of services. The questions were posed in terms of a 'future coalition' in April of 2024. The Foundation would suggest that these preferences can now be translated into policy preferences for the current coalition government (Government of National Unity) that governs South Africa. The data in the report is drawn from a survey of 1 835 demographically and geographically representative registered voters conducted in April 2024. That survey had a margin of error of 4%.

'A future coalition government reduces tax rates and instead focuses on creating an environment where large and small businesses can more easily invest and create jobs.' OR 'A future coalition government increase taxes on South Africans so that it can increase the money available for the government to spend on service delivery.'

By race

'A future coalition government reduces tax rates and instead focuses on creating an environment where large and small businesses can more easily invest and create jobs.' OR 'A future coalition government increase taxes on South Africans so that it can increase the money available for the government to spend on service delivery.'

By education

'A future coalition government reduces tax rates and instead focuses on creating an environment where large and small businesses can more easily invest and create jobs.' OR 'A future coalition government increase taxes on South Africans so that it can increase the money available for the government to spend on service delivery.'

By party affiliation

'A future coalition government strengthens provinces and municipalities, so that they can take over more services where the central government has failed.' OR 'A future coalition government abolishes all the provinces and municipalities, so that all services are provided by the central government operating out of Pretoria.'

By race

'A future coalition government strengthens provinces and municipalities, so that they can take over more services where the central government has failed.' OR 'A future coalition government abolishes all the provinces and municipalities, so that all services are provided by the central government operating out of Pretoria.'

By education

'A future coalition government strengthens provinces and municipalities, so that they can take over more services where the central government has failed.' OR 'A future coalition government abolishes all the provinces and municipalities, so that all services are provided by the central government operating out of Pretoria.'

By party affiliation


The data suggests that registered South African voters are generally in favour of government policy that seeks to reduce taxes and distribute power down to lower levels of government. The only demographic split that does not have a majority in favour of reduced taxes are individuals who have a highest level of education of between grade R to grade 7. A majority of all demographic groups along lines of race, education and party affiliation are in favour of distributing power down to lower levels of government. The data suggests that public opinion should be viewed as enabling of longer-term reforms in these policy areas.