September 2024

South African Public Opinion on Nationalisation of Pensions, Healthcare and Education

This report investigates the policy preferences of registered South African voters on the nationalisation of various industries. It does so via three questions on the nationalisation of pension funds, healthcare and education. The questions were posed in terms of a 'future coalition' in April of 2024. The Foundation would suggest that these preferences can now be translated into policy preferences for the current coalition government (Government of National Unity) that governs South Africa. The data in the report is drawn from a survey of 1 835 demographically and geographically representative registered voters conducted in April 2024. That survey had a margin of error of 4%.

'A future coalition government nationalises all private pension funds and distributes the benefits equally to all South Africans.' OR 'A future coalition government allows people who are employed to invest their own money for their retirement on their own terms, using private pension funds.'

By race

'A future coalition government nationalises all private pension funds and distributes the benefits equally to all South Africans.' OR 'A future coalition government allows people who are employed to invest their own money for their retirement on their own terms, using private pension funds.'

By education

'A future coalition government nationalises all private pension funds and distributes the benefits equally to all South Africans.' OR 'A future coalition government allows people who are employed to invest their own money for their retirement on their own terms, using private pension funds.'

By party affiliation

'A future coalition government runs a two-tier healthcare system, in which people can decide for themselves who they purchase their own health insurance from and where they get medical treatment.' OR 'A future coalition government nationalises private medical aid funds and hospital groups so that only the government can provide medical services.'

By race

'A future coalition government runs a two-tier healthcare system, in which people can decide for themselves who they purchase their own health insurance from and where they get medical treatment.' OR 'A future coalition government nationalises private medical aid funds and hospital groups so that only the government can provide medical services.'

By education

'A future coalition government runs a two-tier healthcare system, in which people can decide for themselves who they purchase their own health insurance from and where they get medical treatment.' OR 'A future coalition government nationalises private medical aid funds and hospital groups so that only the government can provide medical services.'

By party affiliation

'A future coalition government allow families and communities to chose whether they wish to send their children to public or private schools and universities.' OR 'A future coalition government abolishes private schools and universities to ensure that only the government can provide educations services through public schools and universities.'

By race

'A future coalition government allow families and communities to chose whether they wish to send their children to public or private schools and universities.' OR 'A future coalition government abolishes private schools and universities to ensure that only the government can provide educations services through public schools and universities.'

By education

'A future coalition government allow families and communities to chose whether they wish to send their children to public or private schools and universities.' OR 'A future coalition government abolishes private schools and universities to ensure that only the government can provide educations services through public schools and universities.'

By party affiliation


The data demonstrates that public opinion is split relatively evenly on the question of nationalisation of pension funds. There are significant cleavages along lines of race, education levels and party affiliation. In terms of the nationalisation of healthcare it splits roughly 60/40 against the nationalisation of healthcare. On the question of education just over 70% of registered voters stated that they are in favour of parents being able to choose to send their children to private schools and university. The data suggests that most South Africans are skeptical of the ability of the state to effectively administer more services than it currently does.