September 2024

South African Public Opinion on Foreign Policy

This report investigates the BEE policy preferences of registered South African voters. It does so via two different questions about whether South Africa should align with the West or Russia, China and Saudi Arabi and whether South Africa should create foreign policy based on economic benefit to the country or on shared ideologies. The questions were posed in terms of a 'future coalition' in April of 2024. The Foundation would suggest that these preferences can now be translated into policy preferences for the current coalition government (Government of National Unity) that governs South Africa. The data in the report is drawn from a survey of 1 835 demographically and geographically representative registered voters conducted in April 2024. That survey had a margin of error of 4%.

Which statement do you agree with: 'A future coalition government aligns South Africa's foreign policy with countries like Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia, and against the West.' OR 'A future coalition government align South Africa's foreign policy with the West, and against countries like Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia.'

By race

Which statement do you agree with: 'A future coalition government aligns South Africa's foreign policy with countries like Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia, and against the West.' OR 'A future coalition government align South Africa's foreign policy with the West, and against countries like Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia.'

By education

Which statement do you agree with: 'A future coalition government aligns South Africa's foreign policy with countries like Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia, and against the West.' OR 'A future coalition government align South Africa's foreign policy with the West, and against countries like Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia.'

By party affiliation

Which statement do you agree with: 'A future coalition government puts the potential economic benefits for South Africans first, when deciding which countries to align with, when it comes to foreign policy and international relations.' OR 'A future coalition government puts ideology and loyalty to the liberation first, when deciding which countries to align with, when it comes to foreign policy and international relations.'

By race

Which statement do you agree with: 'A future coalition government puts the potential economic benefits for South Africans first, when deciding which countries to align with, when it comes to foreign policy and international relations.' OR 'A future coalition government puts ideology and loyalty to the liberation first, when deciding which countries to align with, when it comes to foreign policy and international relations.'

By education

Which statement do you agree with: 'A future coalition government puts the potential economic benefits for South Africans first, when deciding which countries to align with, when it comes to foreign policy and international relations.' OR 'A future coalition government puts ideology and loyalty to the liberation first, when deciding which countries to align with, when it comes to foreign policy and international relations.'

By party affiliation


A small majority of all registered voters would prefer for South Africa's foreign policy to align with the West and against Russia and China and that South Africa should put economic benefits first when it comes to deciding with which countries to align. However, across demographic lines there are significant cleavages along lines of race, education and party affiliation. This is in line with previous Foundation findings that indicate that public opinion can be swayed by whichever global power bloc provides the most compelling argumentation.