December 2023

The Importance of Race in Government Hiring and Procurement

This report examines the perceptions of registered South African voters on whether they believe that the government should hire people and acquire goods and services regardless of the race of the person being employed or providing the service. The data is based on a survey of 1 412 geographically and demographically representative registered voters commissioned by the Foundation in October 2023. That survey had a national margin of error of 5%. Totals may not add up to 100% where rounding has occurred or where participants could to answer a question.

The Government should appoint the best candidates to jobs regardless of the race of candidates. Do you agree or disagree?

By race

The Government should appoint the best candidates to jobs regardless of the race of candidates. Do you agree or disagree?

By highest level of education

The Government should appoint the best candidates to jobs regardless of the race of candidates. Do you agree or disagree?

By employment status

The Government should appoint the best candidates to jobs regardless of the race of candidates. Do you agree or disagree?

By home language

The Government should appoint the best candidates to jobs regardless of the race of candidates. Do you agree or disagree?

By age

The Government should appoint the best candidates to jobs regardless of the race of candidates. Do you agree or disagree?

By party affiliation

Tentative Conclusions 

The data demonstrates that 82.6% of all voters believe that the government should hire people regardless of race. This finding holds across lines of race, educational level, employment status, home language, age and party affiliation.

With regards to acquiring goods and services 78.8% of registered voters believe that the government should acquire goods and services regardless of the race of the provider. This finding also holds across lines of race, educational level, employment status, home language, age and party affiliation.