December 2023

Perceptions of the Moonshot Pact

This report investigates the perceptions of registered South African voters on the ‘Moonshot pact’ (for readers who are not familiar the ‘Moonshot Pact’ is a term crafted by the leader of South Africa’s official opposition to describe a pact of centrist opposition parties looking to displace the ruling ANC party).

The data is based on a survey of 1 412 geographically and demographically representative registered voters commissioned by the Foundation in October 2023. That survey had a national margin of error of 5%. Totals may not add up to 100% where rounding has occurred or where participants refused to answer a question.

Question: A range of opposition parties recently held a convention, where they agreed to work together to bring the ANC below 50% in the upcoming 2024 national elections and, if they manage to do so, to then work together in the future, to form an alternative national government and govern in a national coalition. In general, do you think this is a good idea, or is it a bad idea?

Responses: by race

Question: A range of opposition parties recently held a convention, where they agreed to work together to bring the ANC below 50% in the upcoming 2024 national elections and, if they manage to do so, to then work together in the future, to form an alternative national government and govern in a national coalition. In general, do you think this is a good idea, or is it a bad idea?

Responses: by highest level of education

Question: A range of opposition parties recently held a convention, where they agreed to work together to bring the ANC below 50% in the upcoming 2024 national elections and, if they manage to do so, to then work together in the future, to form an alternative national government and govern in a national coalition. In general, do you think this is a good idea, or is it a bad idea?

Responses: by employment status

Question: A range of opposition parties recently held a convention, where they agreed to work together to bring the ANC below 50% in the upcoming 2024 national elections and, if they manage to do so, to then work together in the future, to form an alternative national government and govern in a national coalition. In general, do you think this is a good idea, or is it a bad idea?

Responses: by home language

Question: A range of opposition parties recently held a convention, where they agreed to work together to bring the ANC below 50% in the upcoming 2024 national elections and, if they manage to do so, to then work together in the future, to form an alternative national government and govern in a national coalition. In general, do you think this is a good idea, or is it a bad idea?

Responses: by party affiliation

Tentative Conclusions

The data reveals that a majority of registered voters in South Africa believed that the ‘Moonshot pact’ is a good idea. This finding holds across all race, education, employment status, home language and party affiliation categories.