November 2023

Perceptions of Kwazulu-Natal Registered Voters on Which Political Party Has The Best Relationship With The Zulu Royal Household.

This report investigates the perceptions of registered KwaZulu-Natal voters on which political party has the best relationship with the Zulu royal household. The data in the report comes from a September 2023 Foundation survey. The survey was conducted telephonically amongst a sample of 2 434 geographically and demographically representative registered voters in KwaZulu-Natal. The survey has a provincial margin of error of 3%. Totals may not add up to 100% where respondents refused to answer a question or where rounding has occurred.

Which political party in Kwazulu-Natal has the best relationship with the Zulu Royal Family in terms of respect and understanding?

By race

Which political party in Kwazulu-Natal has the best relationship with the Zulu Royal Family in terms of respect and understanding?

By highest level of education

Which political party in Kwazulu-Natal has the best relationship with the Zulu Royal Family in terms of respect and understanding?

By employment status

Which political party in Kwazulu-Natal has the best relationship with the Zulu Royal Family in terms of respect and understanding?

By home language

Which political party in Kwazulu-Natal has the best relationship with the Zulu Royal Family in terms of respect and understanding?

By party affiliation

Tentative Conclusions

The data reveals that the plurality (47%) of registered voters in KwaZulu-Natal believe that the IFP has the best relationship with the Zulu royal household in terms of respect and understanding, followed by the ANC (31%). The DA and the EFF came in with very small percentages at 2.7% and 2.4% respectively.