February 2025

Attitudes of Afrikaners Versus All South Africans

This report uses data from the Foundation's archives to draw a comparison between Afrikaner attitudes and that of all South Africans. The motivation for this comparison is Donald Trump's recent executive order that cited the prospect of Afrikaners applying for refugee status in the United States. The data in the report is drawn from a survey of 1 835 demographically and geographically representative registered voters conducted in April 2024. That survey had a margin of error of 4%.

In general, are things in South Africa going in the right direction or in the wrong direction?

All South Africans vs Afrikaners

'A future coalition government makes raced-based appointment rules stricter, so that only black people can be appointed as government officials.' OR 'A future coalition government gets rid of race-based appointments so that all government officials are appointed only on merit.'

All South Africans vs Afrikaners

'A future coalition government aligns South Africa's foreign policy with countries like Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia, and against the West.' OR 'A future coalition government aligns South Africa's foreign policy with the West, and against countries like Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia.'

All South Africans vs Afrikaners

'A future coalition government puts the potential economic benefits for South Africans first, when deciding which countries to align with, when it comes to foreign policy and international relations.' OR 'A future coalition government puts ideology and loyalty to the liberation first, when deciding which countries to align with, when it comes to foreign policy and international relations.'

All South Africans vs Afrikaners

'A future coalition government restricts what kind of business companies that are not majority black-owned are able to conduct and with whom.' OR 'A future coalition government allows any business to operate freely, regardless of whether it is black or white-owned, so long as it pays tax and helps creates employment.'

All South Africans vs Afrikaners

'A future coalition government reduces tax rates and instead focuses on creating an environment where large and small businesses can more easily invest and create jobs.' OR 'A future coalition government increases taxes on South Africans so that it can increase the money available for the government to spend on service delivery.'

All South Africans vs Afrikaners

'A future coalition government pursues an energy policy that provides cheap and reliable energy regardless of whether it comes from coal, wind, solar, or nuclear power stations.' OR 'A future coalition government pursue a green energy agenda that opposes the building or continued operation of coal fired power stations.'

All South Africans vs Afrikaners

'A future coalition government allow families and communities to chose whether they wish to send their children to public or private schools and universities.' OR 'A future coalition government abolishes private schools and universities to ensure that only the government can provide educational services through public schools and universities.'

All South Africans vs Afrikaners

If the ANC falls below 50%, one possibility is that ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa calls for a Government of National Unity a grand collation of all parties, who agree to share national power and work together to deliver for the people through co-operation and a single policy programme. If that came to pass, how would you feel about that Government of National Unity?

All South Africans vs Afrikaners


The data indicates that Afrikaner opinion generally falls on the same side of an issue as does the opinion of all South Africans, although Afrikaner views on those issues may be more strongly held.