August 2024

American Election Has Moved to A Toss-Up

This report is the third in a series tracking the political race in America ahead of that country's November 2024 presidential election. The data is drawn from a wide cross-section of polling organisations. This report produces three tables employing three different methodologies. The first methodology was to award states that polled generally in favour of either candidate to that candidate. The second was to award states that polled within the margins of error to Mr Trump. The third was to award states that polled within the margins of error to Ms Harris.

List of states by presumptive winner

Trump vs Harris

State Electoral College Votes SRF Presumptive Winner Votes for Trump Votes for Harris
Alabama 9 Trump 9
Alaska 3 Trump 3
Arizona 11 Swing (Trump) 11
Arkansas 6 Trump 6
California 54 Harris 54
Colorado 10 Harris 10
Connecticut 7 Harris 7
Delaware 3 Harris 3
District of Columbia 3 Harris 3
Florida 30 Trump 30
Georgia 16 Swing (Harris) 16
Hawaii 4 Harris 4
Idaho 4 Trump 4
Illinois 19 Harris 19
Indiana 11 Trump 11
Iowa 6 Trump 6
Kansas 6 Trump 6
Kentucky 8 Trump 8
Louisiana 8 Trump 8
Maine 4 Harris (3) Trump (1) 1 3
Maryland 10 Harris 10
Massachusetts 11 Harris 11
Michigan 15 Swing (Harris) 15
Minnesota 10 Harris 10
Mississippi 6 Trump 6
Missouri 10 Trump 10
Montana 4 Trump 4
Nebraska 5 Trump (4) Harris (1) 4 1
Nevada 6 Swing (Trump) 6
New Hampshire 4 Harris 4
New Jersey 14 Harris 14
New Mexico 5 Harris 5
New York 28 Harris 28
North Carolina 16 Trump 16
North Dakota 3 Trump 3
Ohio 17 Trump 17
Oklahoma 7 Trump 7
Oregon 8 Harris 8
Pennsylvania 19 Swing (Trump) 19
Rhode Island 4 Harris 4
South Carolina 9 Trump 9
South Dakota 3 Trump 3
Tennessee 11 Trump 11
Texas 40 Trump 40
Utah 6 Trump 6
Vermont 3 Harris 3
Virginia 13 Harris 13
Washington 12 Harris 12
West Virginia 4 Trump 4
Wisconsin 10 Swing (Harris) 10
Wyoming 3 Trump 3
Total 538 271 267

List of states by presumptive winner with margin of error in favour of Mr Trump

Trump vs Harris

State Electoral College Votes SRF Presumptive Winner Votes for Trump Votes for Harris
Alabama 9 Trump 9
Alaska 3 Trump 3
Arizona 11 Swing (Trump) 11
Arkansas 6 Trump 6
California 54 Harris 54
Colorado 10 Harris 10
Connecticut 7 Harris 7
Delaware 3 Harris 3
District of Columbia 3 Harris 3
Florida 30 Trump 30
Georgia 16 Swing (Trump) 16
Hawaii 4 Harris 4
Idaho 4 Trump 4
Illinois 19 Harris 19
Indiana 11 Trump 11
Iowa 6 Trump 6
Kansas 6 Trump 6
Kentucky 8 Trump 8
Louisiana 8 Trump 8
Maine 4 Harris (3) Trump (1) 1 3
Maryland 10 Harris 10
Massachusetts 11 Harris 11
Michigan 15 Swing (Trump) 15
Minnesota 10 Harris 10
Mississippi 6 Trump 6
Missouri 10 Trump 10
Montana 4 Trump 4
Nebraska 5 Trump (4) Harris (1) 4 1
Nevada 6 Swing (Trump) 6
New Hampshire 4 Harris 4
New Jersey 14 Harris 14
New Mexico 5 Harris 5
New York 28 Harris 28
North Carolina 16 Trump 16
North Dakota 3 Trump 3
Ohio 17 Trump 17
Oklahoma 7 Trump 7
Oregon 8 Harris 8
Pennsylvania 19 Swing (Trump) 19
Rhode Island 4 Harris 4
South Carolina 9 Trump 9
South Dakota 3 Trump 3
Tennessee 11 Trump 11
Texas 40 Trump 40
Utah 6 Trump 6
Vermont 3 Harris 3
Virginia 13 Harris 13
Washington 12 Harris 12
West Virginia 4 Trump 4
Wisconsin 10 Swing (Trump) 10
Wyoming 3 Trump 3
Total 538 312 226

List of states by presumptive winner with margin of error in favour of Ms Harris

Trump vs Harris

State Electoral College Votes SRF Presumptive Winner Votes for Trump Votes for Harris
Alabama 9 Trump 9
Alaska 3 Trump 3
Arizona 11 Swing (Harris) 11
Arkansas 6 Trump 6
California 54 Harris 54
Colorado 10 Harris 10
Connecticut 7 Harris 7
Delaware 3 Harris 3
District of Columbia 3 Harris 3
Florida 30 Trump 30
Georgia 16 Swing (Harris) 16
Hawaii 4 Harris 4
Idaho 4 Trump 4
Illinois 19 Harris 19
Indiana 11 Trump 11
Iowa 6 Trump 6
Kansas 6 Trump 6
Kentucky 8 Trump 8
Louisiana 8 Trump 8
Maine 4 Harris (3) Trump (1) 1 3
Maryland 10 Harris 10
Massachusetts 11 Harris 11
Michigan 15 Swing (Harris) 15
Minnesota 10 Harris 10
Mississippi 6 Trump 6
Missouri 10 Trump 10
Montana 4 Trump 4
Nebraska 5 Trump (4) Harris (1) 4 1
Nevada 6 Swing (Harris) 6
New Hampshire 4 Harris 4
New Jersey 14 Harris 14
New Mexico 5 Harris 5
New York 28 Harris 28
North Carolina 16 Trump 16
North Dakota 3 Trump 3
Ohio 17 Trump 17
Oklahoma 7 Trump 7
Oregon 8 Harris 8
Pennsylvania 19 Swing (Harris) 19
Rhode Island 4 Harris 4
South Carolina 9 Trump 9
South Dakota 3 Trump 3
Tennessee 11 Trump 11
Texas 40 Trump 40
Utah 6 Trump 6
Vermont 3 Harris 3
Virginia 13 Harris 13
Washington 12 Harris 12
West Virginia 4 Trump 4
Wisconsin 10 Swing (Harris) 10
Wyoming 3 Trump 3
Total 538 235 303

The data demonstrates that Mr Trump maintains a slight lead over Ms Harris. However, when margins of error are applied favourably to either candidate the result is to skew the outcome strongly in favour of that candidate. This is a different position to what the case was before Mr Biden's exit. With Mr Biden as the Democratic candidate the Foundation's estimate was that even with margins of error applied in Mr Biden's favour, Mr Trump was still set to win the White House.